Updated 3/02/10
3/02/10 - Hmmm.... I seem to have not updated this page in a year. Sorry about that folks. But, this should help ease the pain. RGS C-19's #40 and 41 are ready for download.
2/22/09 - Here we are again a month later. I've gotten the tender exported in to Trainz. And, I've made modifications along the way. Here's some shots as of tonight: 1, 2, 3.
1/23/09 - Well, I didn't realize it had been a month since my last update. I've been working on the tender for the last few weeks. Modeling is finished. I'm texturing the model now. I should have it exported into Trainz pretty soon. Here's some shots of the progress: 1, 2, 3.
12/11/08 - #41 has been exported for testing in TRS2004. 1. The tender is from #20 as I haven't done the C-19 tender yet.
11/28/08 - Here's a shot with the drivers and pilot truck merged to check for fit. 1. I need to finish the cab doors and vent. And, I need to do the weathering. Gettin' there!
11/22/08 - OK, I'm almost done with the texturing of the main body. Hopefully she'll be riding the rails for a test soon(tm). 1.
11/9/08 - Texturing continues, and it is almost done. I'm done with mapping the exterior, and about 15% done with the interior. Here's a shot of her as she stands now. 1.
11/4/08 - Texturing has been going on for a couple weeks now. Some weathering of the textures has been done. More to go. Here's some screenshots. 1, 2, 3.
10/4/08 - OK, still working the cab details. Mostly plumbing to the various appliances. I haven't done any texturing yet. Here's four shots from all around the model so you can see how she looks. 1, 2, 3, 4.
9/13/08 - I've been working in the cab a lot. May not be too noticable, but most of the work is in the little details. Also, thanks to my friend Jeff at Knott's Berry Farm I've reworked the injectors to appear more accurate for the original C-19's. Actually, thanks to Jeff, this is going to be a fairly accurate depiction of the C-19's. Here's a little screenshot showing the Engineer's side of the cab. 1.
9/2/08 - OK, now that most of the exterior parts are done, I'm working on the plumbing in the cab. 1, 2.
8/30/08 - Here's a shot with drivers and running gear on. Running gear is animated. But, I still need to do the valve gear. Here's a shot. 1
8/28/08 - Here's another. I've just about finished all the exterior details. The brakes are added. I've got some piping that I need to finish. She's coming along nicely. 1
8/27/08 - Just another shot after adding a few more details. 1
8/25/08 - Here's a couple more shots. More details added. 1, 2. I've started on the drivers also. I have the wheels done. I'll be starting on the running gear next.
8/17/08 - With the completion of the K-28 and the Army versions it is now time to move on to the next project. I'm headed back to the RGS this time. That means it is time for some C-19's. I've started on the basic models. Most of the details I've done so far match up for the #41 in the era of 1942 - 45. I'll also be doing the #40 in the same era. And, I'll include the D&RGW #346 as well. Here's some screenshots that will show you the evolution of the C-19 so far. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
7/26/08 - Well, the primary release of the K-28's is done. Klinger and I are now modifying the K-28's that were sent to their doom working for the US Army in Alaska on the WP&Y. Here's the #250 (ex. D&RGW #470)
3/29/08 - OK. After the "Move from Hell", I've finally gotten 'round to updating this page. I've finished the snow plow for the K-28. Here's a little screenshot. 1.
1/25/08 - Working on the weathering. It is coming along. The smokebox needs work. 1, 2, 3.
1/19/08 - Tender model is complete and in the sim now. Let the tweaking begin! 1 (Warning: large image).
1/12/08 - Work has gone pretty quickly on the tender. The main modeling is done. Time to texture and tweak now. 1, 2, 3.
1/6/08 - Textures on the loco are complete! Here's a couple shots with all the pieces merged together to see how she looks: 1, 2.
1/4/08 - "Painting" progresses. I don't have the textures weathered yet. So some of the details are hard to see now. But, the weathering will bring that out. Soon as the paint is done on the engine, then I'll start the tender. Road tests will be soon. 1, 2.
1/1/08 - Happy New Year! Welcome to 2008. Wow, I can't believe it. 2007 seemed to fly right by. So has the last week. But, in that time I've managed quite a bit of progress on the K-28. The running gear is completed. Both lead and trailing trucks are done as well. Frame is also complete, and so is the pilot. I've just begun painting the main body. First shot is of the completed running gear. Second is a shot of all the parts merged together so that I can see how it all fits. And, third is the first steps of painting the body. 1, 2, 3.
12/24/07 - Well, having a cold does have benefits. I've been able to do nothing but work on the K-28 ;-) Anyway, today I finished the modeling portion of the main model. Now, I need to work up the textures and do the polygon cleanup. Here's a couple screenshots: 1, 2.
12/23/07 - A Quick update at the end of the day. Cab work is mostly done. Still need to add the hydrostatic lubricator. Window frames, glass, armrests, etc... need to be done. Should be painting this monster by next weekend. Oh, and I still have to do the drivers and valve gearing. Here's todays screenshot: 1.
12/22/07 - Frame is just about done. 1. The pilot will be a separate model so that it can be interchanged with the plow via the products panel as I've done on the K-27's and 36's.
12/21/07 - A small update from work during the past week. The exterior boiler details are mostly done. I've started adding the cab appliances and details. I've also started working on the frame for the drivers. Here's the associated screenshots from Gmax: 1, 2, 3, 4.
12/16/07 - Well the weather has been bad here and I hurt my back trying to fix my snowblower. So, that left me sitting at my desk with a vibrating heating pad on my back. So, I got a lot done on the K-28. The boiler and piping is done. Now it is on to adding the cab details. Here's some shots: 1, 2.
12/15/07 - Well, with the K-36's being finished a few weeks ago I decided to get started on the K-28. Here's some starter images in progression: 1, 2, 3, 4. There's still a lot of work to be done; frame, wheels, drivers, tender, textures, etc... So, it will be a while. Be patient ;-) My plan at this point will be to make both 1930's and 40's versions of all ten. I'll also do D&S versions of 473, 476, and 478. 473 will also be available in Bumblebee scheme. I'm also working on methods to make an optional diamond stack interchangable similar to how my plows/pilots work. So, keep an eye on this space for updates.
10/7/07 - Holy smokes! Looks like I haven't updated this page in exactly a year. But, the good news is that I've finished the upgrade of the first K-36. The #485 is released. Soon the other 9 will follow. And, they will include Durango & Silverton and Cumbres & Toltec liveries as well.
10/8/06 - Well, it's been pretty busy. And, I'm sorry I haven't updated this page more often. The C-16's have been released of course. And, now I'm working on the K-36. The retexturing is 90% complete on the exterior. And, right now I'm focusing on the cab interior. Here's a series of progressive shots. The last one is the most current as of this update. 1, 2, 3. No promises on the finish date on this one. But, I'll be doing the whole series of K-36's. And, I plan on doing C&TS and D&S liveries as well. So, be patient.
7/5/06 - Jeez, well it has been a while since I've posted an update. I've just completed the mesh modeling of the C-16 cab. I've got some texturing to do. And, probobly some tweaking of the mesh. But, I like the results, and I want to get this released soon. Here's some shots 1, 2, 3, 4.
5/11/06 - Well, I'm about done with the cab fixtures on the RGS #20. Got some painting to do in the cab. I'm also going to get started on the C-16 cabs now. Here's a shot of #20's cab fixtures.
5/2/06 - Here's a sneak peak of some other work going on in the Roundhouse. 1. 2. 3. 4. Obviously there is still more work to do on the texturing. But, she sure is gonna be purdy ;-)
4/30/06 - Well, with the K-27's just about completely wrapped up, I started to work on the RGS #20. I'm updating her in TRS2004, and she'll also be set up for 06. I started with reworking the textures just a bit. Also, got the whistle pfx working. I'll be adding cab details and a functioning cab as well. Here's a progress shot:
4/22/06 - Ben Neal has worked up a functional cab for the K-27s. I'm in the process of testing it now. And, I also have to combine the two gs files into one so that the cab works along with my pilot and sand features. Stay tuned for more news on when it will be released.
4/20/06 - It's been a while since my last shop update. Since then, I've released #'s 452, 454, and 463. Currently #453 is in the shop and is almost ready for release. Next up is #455. Here's a shot of #453 returning from a test run. Hmmm...what's that coming out of the engine house... ? ;-)
3/31/06 - More cab details added here and here.
It's been real busy here in the stalls of the ol' roundhouse. I've been working hard to update my locomotives and make them the best lookin' little locos this side of the Rio Grande. And, they're all full of new features as well:
I'm putting the finishing touches on 11 (yes eleven!) K-27's. Soon to be released are the following:
Each will have the ability to load a snow plow. The snow plows are set up as products that can be loaded on the loco. That gives you the option of adding a plow in Surveyor if you wish to. Also, I'll be creating a small snow plow/pilot beam industry that will allow you to switch them out in a Driver session.
And, soon after that the K-36's will be emerging from the stalls. I've finished updating the main mesh and textures for the #485. It has all the same features that the K-27s have. I've got to set up the LOD files for it still. It will be ready after that. And, then I'll proceed with creating each of the other the K-36s after that.